{fakir} 1.0.0 is now on CRAN




April 19, 2023

I’m very happy to announce that {fakir} is now on CRAN.

{fakir} stands for FAKe In R. It’s a package that generates fake datasets that can be used for prototyping {shiny} apps or for teaching.


You can install the latest version from your favorite CRAN repository with:



Fake support tickets

fakir::fake_ticket_client(vol = 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 25
   ref           num_client first    last  job     age region id_dpt departement
   <chr>         <chr>      <chr>    <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>      
 1 DOSS-AMQN-002 79         Jovan    O'Ke… Gene…    22 Bourg… 58     Nièvre     
 2 DOSS-NCKJ-010 69         Miss     Lean… Emer…    68 <NA>   36     Indre      
 3 DOSS-GPBE-009 120        Odell    Stok… Engi…    24 Limou… 87     Haute-Vien…
 4 DOSS-GRLN-001 31         Loren    Lars… <NA>     NA Centre 36     Indre      
 5 DOSS-LEPJ-004 59         Maybelle Maye… Furt…    18 Champ… 08     Ardennes   
 6 DOSS-DUCL-005 118        Jamarion Ober… Engi…    18 Alsace 67     Bas-Rhin   
 7 DOSS-OCED-003 77         Lee      Scha… Admi…    NA Auver… 03     Allier     
 8 DOSS-KXSJ-007 65         Demetric Auer  Cont…    21 Centre 45     Loiret     
 9 DOSS-UITD-006 141        Wilfrid  Harv… Educ…    53 Aquit… 40     Landes     
10 DOSS-SHKL-008 182        Addyson  Nien… Earl…    65 Prove… 84     Vaucluse   
# ℹ 16 more variables: cb_provider <chr>, name <chr>, entry_date <dttm>,
#   fidelity_points <dbl>, priority_encoded <dbl>, priority <fct>,
#   timestamp <date>, year <dbl>, month <dbl>, day <int>, supported <chr>,
#   supported_encoded <int>, type <chr>, type_encoded <int>, state <fct>,
#   source_call <fct>

Fake dataset of connected wearables

# A tibble: 10 × 8
   name                 brand color price body_location category sent_from    id
   <chr>                <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>         <chr>    <chr>     <int>
 1 Step and Distance P… Lark… Pink      3 Waist         Industr… Taiwan        1
 2 Biking Tracker U Pr… Lark… Oliv…     5 Waist         Pets an… United S…     2
 3 Wearable Transmitte… Moen… Beige     4 Feet          Lifesty… Netherla…     3
 4 Multifunction Track… Weim… Yell…     5 Head          Lifesty… China         4
 5 Action Camera Pro    Blan… Mocc…    10 Brain         Lifesty… Italy         5
 6 Strapless Heart Rat… Mann… Deep…     4 Head          Medical  Finland       6
 7 Action Camera RE Pr… Mann… Maro…     5 Feet          Enterta… Finland       7
 8 Microcontroller ES   Moen… Pink      3 Neck          Fitness  Finland       8
 9 Microcontroller OGB… Moen… Plum      5 Arms          Awesome  France        9
10 Wearable AUSG with … Moen… Dark…     9 Torso         Medical  Italy        10

Fake website visits

  from = "2017-01-01",
  to = "2017-01-31"
# A tibble: 31 × 8
   timestamp   year month   day  home about  blog contact
 * <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int>
 1 2017-01-01  2017     1     1   369   220   404     210
 2 2017-01-02  2017     1     2   159   250   414     490
 3 2017-01-03  2017     1     3   436   170   498     456
 4 2017-01-04  2017     1     4    NA   258   526     392
 5 2017-01-05  2017     1     5   362    NA   407     291
 6 2017-01-06  2017     1     6   245   145   576      90
 7 2017-01-07  2017     1     7    NA    NA   484     167
 8 2017-01-08  2017     1     8   461   103   441      NA
 9 2017-01-09  2017     1     9   337   113   673     379
10 2017-01-10  2017     1    10    NA   169   308     139
# ℹ 21 more rows

Contribution & Feedback

You can contribute to {fakir} in various ways:


If you discover any bug or have any feedback on the dataset generators, feel free to open an issue on the repo.


Some datasets are available in french and english:

  from = "2017-01-01",
  to = "2017-01-31",
  local = "fr_FR"
# A tibble: 31 × 8
   dates         an  mois  jour accueil a_propos  blog contact
 * <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <int>   <int>    <int> <int>   <int>
 1 2017-01-01  2017     1     1     369      220   404     210
 2 2017-01-02  2017     1     2     159      250   414     490
 3 2017-01-03  2017     1     3     436      170   498     456
 4 2017-01-04  2017     1     4      NA      258   526     392
 5 2017-01-05  2017     1     5     362       NA   407     291
 6 2017-01-06  2017     1     6     245      145   576      90
 7 2017-01-07  2017     1     7      NA       NA   484     167
 8 2017-01-08  2017     1     8     461      103   441      NA
 9 2017-01-09  2017     1     9     337      113   673     379
10 2017-01-10  2017     1    10      NA      169   308     139
# ℹ 21 more rows

And we will be very happy to bring new languages in the package.

New dataset

Feel free to create new datasets generators.

If you want to contribute a new language or a new dataset, please open an issue first so that we can discuss and keep track of it!